About the VSV

Established in 1945, the Society of Aerospace Engineering Students (VSV) ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ will be celebrating her 16th lustrum, or 80th anniversary, in the year 2025. The society organizes many activities for its members, more than 95% of all students at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. The faculty is constantly growing, and growing strongly. Currently there are approximately 2500 members, making the Society of Aerospace Engineering Students the largest society of its kind in the Benelux. The Society aims to serve the moral and material interests of aerospace students in all aspects of student life. Since 1945, this has been achieved by organizing a wide variety of activities, mostly in the field of aerospace engineering. All this occurs under the supervision of the VSV Board, consisting of seven students who put their study on hold for a full year to dedicate themselves to running the society.
Within the faculty of Aerospace Engineering the VSV makes sure the students have a vote in the educational program and functions like a quality control group. Besides the educational activities the VSV also sees it as its duty to let her members get acquainted with the career segment of the aerospace sector. In order to do so, the VSV organises workshops, excursions and multi-day trips to a multitude of companies related to this branch.
Additionally, the VSV organizes multiple symposia with world-renowned speakers. These symposia are of high quality and are visited by many students, scientists and the top of the Aerospace industry. These symposia inspire students to take on new challenges in aerospace. Besides, it gives an inside into how the aerospace industry is putting theory into practice.
Previous Lustra
13th Lustrum: Shockwave

In 2010, the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ turned 65 years old and celebrated its 13th lustrum, ‘Shockwave: going beyond Mach 13’. The 13th lustrum year of the VSV featured numerous one-of-a-kind events, such as a VSV Air Rally, where teams had to navigate themselves while in the sky. Additionally, the first-ever DeBaCo was organized, named ‘Volle kracht in de gracht’, where teams competed to build the best airplane.
During ‘Mayday’, or previously called ‘outside day’ there were quite a few exciting activities to partake in, such as playing life-sized ‘Stef Stunt Piloot’ and experiencing a ‘Multi-axis Trainer’.
Finally, a lustrum is not complete without its media stunt. During lustrum 13, they painted the largest Mona Lisa measuring 20 by 30 meters.
14th Lustrum: Up Up & Away
In 2015 the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ celebrated her 70th birthday, ‘Up Up and Away!’. The lustrum month started with the lustrum night, were the LuCie took over the city center with their merch and logo’s! The day after they had a opening day, were all students gathered at the aula to fly as many drones as possible.

15th Lustrum: Endeavor

The last time we celebrated a lustrum was 5 years ago, when the 15th lustrum celebrated the 75th birthday of the VSV with the theme Endeavor. Due to the Covid restrictions, not a lot was possible but the LuCie used their creativity to still make it an epic lustrum with VSV TV, the cantus to open the lustrum and the BBB XL.